What To Look For When Looking At Before And After Pictures!
The before and after pictures above are of Pat Egan.
The white line shown in the picture has been placed through one complete picture and is now two different pictures placed together, meaning Pat is walking around with this difference in her facial features until we are able to even up her results.
Pat completed an Initial Course of treatments and then worked through a Next-Step package that ran over a year to properly repair and rebuild the skin of the right side of her face.
Pat did this to help us show how dramatic our treatment processes can be, and we are now working to even up Pat’s results and are forever grateful to her for allowing us to treat only one side of her face and neck area for a time.
When Researching Anti-Aging Skin Treatments, Viewing Before-And-After Pictures Is Part Of The Process
These images often promise dramatic transformation.
Often, this transformation is shown to take place after only one treatment or just a few treatments done in a short space of time.
When looking for treatments to reverse the effects of ageing dramatically, it is essential to consider how long it took to develop these effects.
Fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, pigmenation issues, and sagging skin take years to build due to depleting muscle mass and thinning skin, which usually takes many years to develop.
As the dermis thins and weakens, it creates and sends up less and less collagen and elastin into the epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin).
As the dermis creates less blood vessel growth, less and less oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the skin cells, compromising the overall functionality of the cells
To repair and rebuild the skin properly, focusing on reaching and repairing the dermis (the deepest layer of the skin), precisely because it is the mechanism that creates collagen, elastin and blood vessel growth, takes time using the correct high-grade aesthetic technologies.
Depleting muscle mass is separate from thinning skin and needs to be treated consistently with Microcurrent and HIFU therapy.
Think of how much time it takes to keep the body’s muscles in good shape; now, think of the muscles of the face and neck and consider how much work is being done on those. Now consider how much missing space would develop if the muscles of the face dramatically decreased in size and shape and this support system for the skin disappeared over time.
How much time it takes to gain the desired results depends on how much skin and muscle tissue depletion there is, genetics, the body’s overall health and luck.
Quick-fix treatments like Botox and Filler Injectables work to hide the signs of ageing but do nothing to treat it dramatically.
Resurfacing treatments like skin peels, laser and Retinal products work to make the skin look better but, once again, do very little to combat the issue of thinning skin and depleting muscle mass dramatically; in fact, these treatments can feed into the issue of thinning skin if it is not directly and comprehensively addressed head-on.
There are many tricks to making skin look better after only one treatment.
Persoming a superficial treatment like Dermabrasion, adjusting lighting and making the skin look more hydrating using a serum can make the skin look dramaticly changed for the better, but alase these are just tricks that make the skin appear better for a short time in the right lighting and angles.
Taking after photos after just one treatment like Radio Frequency therapy means the skin is still inflamed from the treatment, making it look more plump and lifted due to the heat from the treamtent shrinking collagen fibers for a brief time.
Dermabrasion is great to prept the skin and gain a smoother appearance to the texture of the skin and decrease the build up of skin cells that can acumulate on mature age skin, which is why Dermabrasion is often provided FREE at the begining of treatments provided to our clients as well as devices provided complementary to clients moving going on to Next Step packages as well as training to use them properly.
All skincare is also provided FREE. Go to our infomation webpage to learn what other complementary goodies our loyal BeautyCats enjoy.
For the effects of a Radio Frequency based treatment to hold and be dramatic day to day it is imperitive to not only work through a full course of treatments, but also to invest in onoing treatment done every 1-2 months to build on results and then hold them in place long term.
We pride ourselves on creating Walking Around Results, which are results enjoyed by our clients EVERY DAY, ALL DAY, in any lighting, from any angle. Whilst our skin does not always look its best day to day due to going through growth cycles of collagen development we aim to focus our efforts on addressing the reasons our apperance changes and target them head on to gain our clients they results they want and deserve.
It’s Important To Consider That Before And After Pictures Sometimes Do Not Look Impressive Until You Learn What To Look For!
Seeing the results of treatments on real people is important; however, it is essential to view these images carefully to ensure that you get an honest representation of what change has occurred.
These pictures are of a client who finished an Initial Treatment package.
Whilst the client noticed a dramatic change in the pictures shown above, she did not see much in the way of results in the front on the images shown below.
Whilst this was disappointing to me due to my working hard to create the changes that I thought were very obvious, I have found over the last 10 years of providing my service to clients that due to seeing our faces every day and the change occurring over the three months an Initial course of treatments runs over that sometimes clients do not at first observation notice what I see when viewing their before and after pictures.
So I Worked To Systematicly Point Out The Changes I Noticed Which Helped The Client To See What I See.
The reason this client side on pictures showed dramatic improvement was due to the skin thinning and muscle mass diminishing within the face and neck over time due to the natural aging process over the years.
As we mature, the face falls from top to bottom on the facial features like a deflating boloon due to connective tissue degrading and letting go within the hairline.
Depleating muscle mass and thinning skin on the forehead cause the skin of the upper eyelids to become heavy, hooded and or the development of fine lines and wrinkles.
Depleating muscle mass and thinning skin of the upper face can cause hollowes and the features to fall downwards as well as the development of enlarged pores, pigmentation issues, and sagging skin to fall and collect around and under the jaw areas.
The Client Shown In The Pictures Shared Above Has Moved Forward With A Next Step Gold Level Package
We will now work to build on her results in the most steady and cost effective way possible. 😀
It is essential that we do not just create a skin that looks better after your initial course of treatments but functions better due to the dermis being strengthened to the point where it creates rich levels of collagen, elastin, and blood vessel growth ongoing, so that results are lasting and can be built on over time when coming for maintenance.
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