Suffering acne is difficult and can lead to a lot of damage in the skin due to the continuous formation of pustules and the resulting healing process. 

There are many causes of acne, and it is important to consider that continuously stripping away at the skin with treatments like intensive Dermabrasion and Skin Peels is not the best way to treat the problem of acne due to these treatments thinning the skin if done too much over time.
Acne prone skin need more T.L.C than other skin types, and whilst it can require the use of more topical products to be used at home you should be wary of beauty professionals who want to load you up with expensive and unnecessary skin care products and instead learn about at home technologies that can help to keep congestion at bay whilst also working to keep the skin thick, strong and healthy working optimally on a cellular level.

Learn more about the way we treat acne prone skin by reading our comprehensive blog.

Contact the team at Jessicat’s Medi-Spa for more info:
